Are Post-Op Lymphatic Drainage Massages Needed?

Every day, there are more people who undergo plastic surgery. Looking good is very related to feeling good, and even more, if it starts to be a social requirement when applying for a job, where many times the word “good presence” is replacing “professional appearance”. It is no less true that when we see ourselves well, we feel better, more motivated and increase our confidence.

As mentioned, every day more plastic surgeries are performed throughout the country and Miami has become the capital of the United States. People from all over, including Canada, visit Miami in search of plastic surgery and post-op lymphatic drainage massages to guarantee the success of their surgeries. While it is true that plastic surgeons in Miami are excellent, it is no less true that a program of at least ten post-op lymphatic drainage massages can give the touch of perfection that so many young girls look for to look splendid.

The massages after plastic surgery have made the surgeons keep a licensed massage therapist in their staff as their direct collaborators. Now talking about the post-op lymphatic drainage massages, we do not have to skimp on prices, since cheap does not always mean that it is the best. For people who invest between $ 5,000 and $7,000 in surgery such as liposuction with fat transfer or Brazilian butt lift, investing about $800.00 dollars in massages can be the difference between a great result or a nightmare.

Post-Op Lymphatic Drainage Massages Are A Part of Recovery

Lymphatic drainage massages are not an option, they are part of the recovery process after having undergone a plastic surgery that is considered major surgery, such as mommy makeover or liposuction with fat transfer in the buttocks. After liposuction, we can have some details or imperfections that can be minimized with the massage. From folding skin, hard and painful lumps, big pores, skin discoloration, uneven areas, and wrinkles. These can be “smoothed” with the appropriate techniques of therapeutic massage.

These massages are usually started the day after the surgery and always after obtaining the approval of the plastic surgeon who performed the procedure. In many cases, patients who come to Miami from other states begin with their massages after liposuction and upon returning home have to find an expert masseur or lymph massage therapist who can continue the work that began in Miami. This guarantees the patient a faster and more adequate recovery that will make her look like the figure of her dreams. 

Include Post-Op Lymphatic Drainage Massages Into Your Budget

In short, it would be good to keep in mind that the expense to consider does not end once the plastic surgery is paid. We should count as part of the budget to spend, the post-surgical recovery. It includes the massages after the surgery, the compression garments, the accessories and the series of products that are needed for a proper recovery. Such as the pillows for a Brazilian butt lift, essential if the patient must drive, since in many cases they must return to work and since they cannot sit on their implant for about 6 weeks, they need this indispensable accessory to enable them to comply with the activities of daily life.

